Know the frequently asked question

You must be 21 years of age and will be asked to provide ID.

No! You can be from anywhere but One Love delivers within DC and select areas of VA

The minimum order for Instant Pick-UP is $50 for delivery is $75 in DC, $250 in VA

One Love charges a $20 delivery FEE. $25 for Arlington\Alexandria

One Love takes all pre orders on this site, however, feel free to call with any questions or concerns.

One Love Delivery proudly serves the Washington DC, Arlington, and Alexandria areas, ensuring fast and reliable delivery services right to your doorstep.

Yes, in addition to local delivery, One Love Delivery offers national shipping to help you enjoy our products from anywhere in the United States. Please check our Shipping Policy for more details and restrictions.

The order you place on the site is a preorder and the donation will be received at time of delivery.

Deals are listed on our Hot Deals page that you can find on our Home Page.

Before you place your order make sure you sign up for One Love’s Rewards Program. (The Tab at the side of the screen). You receive points for joining, every purchase, reviews, follows, and much more! Use these points in our rewards store.

We direct source from the Emerald Triangle!

We accept a variety of payment methods including Cash, Venmo, and several cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, and XRP, providing flexible options to suit all our customers.

es! If you are within a 5-mile radius of the DC border, we offer cannabis delivery right to your door in select Maryland locations.

Paying with cryptocurrencies is simple. Choose your preferred cryptocurrency at checkout, and you’ll receive an address to send the payment. Please ensure the correct amount is sent to avoid delays.

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